UPK Applications Now Being Accepted

  • UPK applications are now being accepted for the 2024-25 school year! Sign your child up today and experience the district's new and improved UPK program! Application deadline is June 3!

    Looking to prepare students for kindergarten and beyond, Moravia Central School District recently revamped its universal pre-kindergarten (UPK) program, and positive results are already being seen.

    As recent as last year, the district only had two half-day UPK classes with one teacher. The half-day option presented limitations, as students were present for only three hours per day, making it difficult to provide the desired educational opportunities and outcomes.

    Seeking to rectify this challenge, last year the district met with the New York State Education Department to discuss potential funding for the program. When funds were presented to the district, the decision was made to provide a new and improved full-day UPK opportunity.

  • UPK Applications 2024-25

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