- Moravia Central School District
- Curriculum, Instruction & Assessments
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessments
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Curriculum, Instruction & Assessments

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment are framed through collaborative practices that are used within our teacher teams focusing on improving student learning. At Moravia, we are committed to the 3 Big Ideas of a Professional Learning Community at Work focusing on learning, a culture of collaboration, and focusing on results. With the hyper-focus on learning, we are looking closely at the curriculum which encompasses our state standards and necessary skills for each grade level or course, the quality of instruction in every classroom, and analyzing results of student assessments to make adjustments needed in instruction or the prioritized curriculum.
We are committed to a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reflecting on our instructional practices, seeking out professional development opportunities, and using feedback and student data to adjust our teaching strategies.
Within our Professional Learning Teams, teachers unpack our state standards and identify and prioritize essential learning outcomes. We work together to define what students need to know and be able to do at each grade level. This ensures a shared knowledge for the professionals, leading to consistency in what is taught and emphasized in the course. Prioritizing standards are based on collective agreements between the team members to ensure particular standards and skills are valued more than others in the course.
Our teacher teams use their collaborative team time to share and refine teaching strategies. By using effective and evidence-based teaching strategies we are able to have the greatest impact on student learning. Teachers are able to analyze which methods are most effective and support each other in implementing high-impact instruction. This collaborative approach ensures that all students have access to the best teaching practices.
Professional learning teams focus on using student results to drive instruction. With the use of a comprehensive assessment system, teams use multiple assessments to see the impact on student learning: high-stakes assessments, summative assessments, benchmark assessments, unit assessments, and common formative assessments. Assessments are not only used to help guide the instruction in the classroom but are purposefully used to provide timely interventions. At each level K-12, we have a designated time within the school day specific to addressing interventions based on these assessments to ensure students learn the essential standards and skills.
As a district, we are thrilled to share with you our dedicated hard work within our Professional Learning teams centered around The Four Essential Questions.
Our collaborative teams have been working on Question 1: What do we want students to know? in each grade level or course. Visit the essential standards tab to see the identified essential standards for each grade level or course in the district.
By focusing on these questions in our Professional Learning Teams, we are creating a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that curriculum, instruction, and assessment are aligned and adjusted to meet the needs of all our students.
Contact Us!
Lindsay Berkeley
Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
lberkeley@moraviaschool.orgTaylre Conway
Instructional Coach - Literacy Focus
tconway@moraviaschool.orgRonica Weeks
Instructional Coach -
Math Focus