• Watch this space for postings of local and regional scholarship applications as they become available.

    Paper copies of postings will be available in the High School Counseling Office. 

    All applications may be submitted to the HS Counseling Office for forwarding. Some MUST be submitted to the HS Counseling Office. 

    Please see Mrs. Crossgrove with any questions.



    Excelsior Scholarship - Available for students attending SUNY or CUNY schools Excelsior Info


    Ladies Auxilary of the Knights of Columbus Scholarship - The applicant must be a member of a Catholic Church and meet all of the following criteria:  Has been actively involved in their parish, school or community; Has been a positive role model to their peers, younger children and adults;  Is a practicing Roman Catholic in a parish in the Diocese of Rochester and attends Mass;  Is a college-bound high school senior or continuing ed adult; Will be enrolled in either a two- or four year accredited educational institution.   Application Due April 30, 2025. Ladies Aux. KOC


    AES Engineering Scholarship - Our belief is that achieving a high grade point average should not be the only criteria for determining who deserves to be helped. For that reason, we are offering a scholarship that will be awarded on the basis of character, as determined by an evaluation of the essays that are submitted. Scholarships are intended for our future leaders across a wide spectrum of fields of study. This award is available to high school seniors and all students attending a post-secondary educational facility. You are not required to be taking Engineering courses to be eligible. Deadline is October 8, 2025. AES Scholarship


    Barbara E. Klumpp Memorial ScholarshipThis scholarship program is open to all business majors, male or female, who wish to continue their education and pursue a career in business or information technology. The scholarship award is $1,000–awarded in two installments of $500 each–one for each of the first two semesters in college. Award is based on academics and initiative. Deadline is April 1 to the HS Counseling Office. B. E. Klumpp Scholarship Application


    Cayuga County Cultural Italian American Organization - Requires an essay: "How has Italian Culture influenced my life? Deadline is May 3. CIAO Application


    Air & waste Management Association ScholarshipAvailable to students attending a college/university in the Central NY Region.  Grants up to $1500. Deadline is March 3, 2025. AWMA Application, AWMA Criteria


    NY State Rural Water Association Scholarship - Application available here or in the Counseling Office. Deadline is February 3, 2025. NYS Rural Water Association


    Hagan Scholarship - Up to $7,500 per semester for 4 years! Plus $2,000 for supplies. Come see Mrs. Crossgrove in the HS Counseling Office for more information!


    Society of Women Engineers - Eligible women completing high school curricula, who are accepted at an accredited college or university program which leads to an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) field. Deadline is March 14, 2025. Instructions, SWE Application.


    Damaris Smith DeSimmone Scholarship - to financially assist deserving young people in acquiring a higher education in United States History with a view to becoming better prepared for life and citizenship. Deadline is January 15, 2025. Damaris.


    Helen & Arnold Barben Scholarship - to financially assist deserving young WOMEN in acquiring a higher education with a view to their becoming better prepared for life and citizenship. Deadline is January 15, 2025. Barben


    Peggy Jo Gifford Scholarship - to financially assist deserving young people in acquiring a higher education in United States History or Philanthropy with a view to becoming better prepared for life and citizenship.  Deadline is January 15, 2025. Gifford


    New York State DAR Scholarship - The object of the New York State DAR Scholarship is to financially assist deserving high school seniors (male or female) in acquiring a higher education in a college or university in NEW YORK STATE. Deadline is January 15, 2025. DAR.


    Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award - recognizes young women, ages 16-19, for demonstrating leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes, and encourages them to continue their participation in public and political life.  Deadline is February 12, 2025 to the HS Counseling Office.     Young Women in Leadership Award Application. (Fillable form)


    Jean M. Coon Humanitarian Award - Presented to a High School junior or senior student who performs outstanding community service. Deadline is February 12, 2025 to the HS Counseling Office.  Coon application (Fillable form)


    Central NY STEM Scholarships - designed to support the best and brightest students in the Central New York Region in their quest to pursue STEM fields in college.  Each scholarship provides financial assistance in varying amounts and an internship.  Deadline is March 14, 2025. Click here to apply!


    CPCU Society Scholarship - Open to all senior high school students planning to attend college in the fall of 2025 as a full-time student. Up to $1000 per scholarship. CPCU Society